Brian C. Muraresku: The Immortality Key
Book title: The Immortality KeyAuthor: Brian C. MurareskuPublished in: 2020Genre: Non-Fiction I give this book: 2.7 stars Who should read it: I wouldn’t consider The Immortality Key an essential read for everyone, but it’s an intriguing choice for those interested in alternative historical and religious theories. It offers a fascinating exploration of the origins of religion and Western society, touching on […]
Don DeLillo: The Names
Book title: The NamesAuthor: Don DelilloPublished in: 1982Genre: Fiction I give this book: 3.5 stars Who should read it: This is the second Don DeLillo book I’ve read. The first, White Noise, was part of the curriculum during my English degree, in a course on exceptional fiction writing. It’s easy to see why my professor included […]
Richard Preston: The Demon in the Freezer
Book title: The Demon in the Freezer: A True StoryAuthor: Richard PrestonPublished in: 2002Genre: Non-fiction I give this book: Five stars Who should read it: At just 304 pages, this book is an accessible and engaging read that most readers will breeze through with ease. Richard Preston masterfully transforms complex scientific topics into something clear […]